39056 Fair
A new name for a beloved event! Each August, Clinton businesses, organizations, and local churches aid the Chamber of Commerce & Main Street Clinton in welcoming Mississippi College students back to Clinton! In partnership with the City of Clinton, this business fair seeks to introduce Clinton's newest college residents to everything the city has to offer! Businesses are encouraged to register for this event, set up a table, bring fun giveaways and games to play and interact with the new students. We are so thankful for the 50+ businesses that participated in 2023's event!
39056 Fair
August 15, 2024
Alumni Hall, Mississippi College
Chamber and/or Main Street Members Cost: FREE with the donation of a $25+ door prize. The door prize can be an item/service/gift card from your business or from another local business. Let's keep it local!
Non-Chamber/Main Street Members Cost: $100 plus the donation of a $25+ door prize. The door prize can be an item/service/gift card from your business or from another local business. Let's keep it local!
Register your business to participate in 39056 Fair here: